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5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Winter

5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Winter

A recent global air quality survey shows that 50% of the world's population suffer from household air pollution effects. The importance of boosting indoor air quality can't therefore be overemphasized. To understand how to improve indoor air quality in Winter, you must first know what causes poor indoor air quality during Winter in the first place. Effects of poor indoor air quality are dire. The solutions range from taking simple measures like ventilating your home to finding the best vacuum for air quality. However, let's first discuss indoor air quality management in Winter and related issues. What Are the Issues Behind Poor Air Quality in Winter? Indoor air quality reduces in Winter since homeowners become more conscious of air leaks around windows, doors, rim joist, piping, etc. and result to insulation, among other efforts to boost comfort and lower heating bills. People tend to keep doors and windows locked tightly during Winter to maintain indoor warmth; however, these has negative effects. Poor circulation of air indoors allows a buildup of bacteria, viruses, dust mites, mold spores, and other pathogens responsible for many health problems ranging from headaches, fatigue, and dizziness to more severe effects like respiratory diseases, cancer, and heart disease, according to the EPA . Volatile organic compounds (from paint, cleaning agents, etc.), pets, smoke, etc., are also to blame for poor air quality indoors. 5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality Given the effects of poor indoor air quality in seasons like Winter, it's important to take certain measures. Here's how to improve indoor air quality in five simple ways. Grow Plants You can grow some indoor plants to boost your indoor air quality. Numerous studies, including one done by NASA have linked indoor plants to improved air quality. Houseplants can absorb harmful pathogens in the air. They work perfectly in tight spaces and rooms with little to no airflow. While plants may be slower than air purifiers in regard to their indoor air purifying capabilities, they have other notable benefits. For instance, plants are more therapeutic and cost-effective than air purifiers. However, you need a specific number of plants to realize indoor air quality benefits i.e., 2-3 plants for every 100-square feet of indoor space. Some plants are also better than others at purifying air. Areca palm, snake plant, money plant, and Chinese evergreens are examples of good indoor plants to consider for better indoor air quality. Monitor Indoor Air Quality To improve air quality indoors, you must first know your indoor air quality status. Indoor air quality monitors (IAQ monitors) offer accurate data on air quality, allowing you to take effective improvement measures. The best IAQ monitors today can detect almost all pollutants indoors, including radon - the chemical linked to 13.4% of all lung cancer-related deaths in the U.S. IAQ monitors can detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) responsible for many respiratory health problems like sinuses. The benefits of monitoring indoor air quality include identifying the specific pollutant in your home to be able to find effective ways of getting rid of that pollutant. You can be able to know exactly when to ventilate during Winter when the levels of a certain pollutant surpass a certain level. A good air quality monitor will monitor many other metrics, including indoor temperature, air pressure, and humidity, that are linked to how we feel and perform. In fact, imbalances in temperature, air pressure, and humidity are common causes of headaches, migraines, joint pain, and blood pressure variations. There's even evidence linking indoor air quality to impaired thinking. Open Your Windows It's understandable why people don't like opening their windows during Winter. The effort associated with keeping your indoor environment warm and comfortable usually outweighs the need for fresh air. However, you must open your windows periodically to keep your indoor air quality level safe. If you have an indoor air quality monitor, you can know the exact time to ventilate. Clean and Vacuum More Often Keeping your floor and floor covering like carpets and mats can also boost your indoor air quality immensely. There is a clear link between carpets and poor indoor air quality. Carpets are linked to increased allergen, dust, and pathogen levels in homes. The link between carpets and health problems like asthma, anxious symptoms, and mild cognitive effects is also clear. Carpets, mats, and dirty floors harbor dust, dust mites, mold, and many pathogens linked to indoor air quality problems. All these problems can be solved by vacuuming and moping your floor more often, especially during Winter when air circulation is poor. However, most vacuum cleaners won't get the job done. In fact, some vacuum cleaners worsen indoor air quality by releasing dust, bacteria, and allergens back in the air. Mops also need to be clean, otherwise they'll also reintroduce pathogens. To solve this problem, consider the best vacuum for air quality out there today with a HEPA filter, such as the Dreame D9 robot vacuum. The Dreame D9 is a vacuum cleaner, mop, and robot all in one offering unparalleled stress-free cleaning experiences. It uses a laser system and smart algorithm to map a cleaning route in your home and clean efficiently and thoroughly while avoiding obstacles with ease. Change Furnace Filters Regularly Since indoor heating needs increase drastically, furnace filters are bound to gather particulate matter faster. Furnace filters won't work as efficiently as they do during Winter if you don't replace them regularly. Removing dirty and clogged filters more than once during Winter will ensure the trapped particulate matter doesn't recirculate back. After taking the measures above, you won’t have indoor air quality management problems. You should start by monitoring the quality of your air indoors before purposing to open windows and doors more often, adding indoor plants, opening your windows more often, and replacing your furnace filters. Most importantly, you should invest in a good vacuum cleaner and mop like the Dreame D9 proven to clean your carpet, rugs, and floors automatically.
How to Perform Antibacterial Cleaning with Dreame Robot Vacuums

How to Perform Antibacterial Cleaning with Dreame Robot Vacuums

While innumerable pathogens harbor the environment, you can effortlessly clear them with the help of an antibacterial floor cleaner. Disinfectants take your cleaning exercise to the next level since they eliminate all micro-organisms that cause diseases. Consequently, they help stop the spread of contagious ailments that would otherwise wreak havoc if they spread. You have to find detergents and cleaning solutions that kill both bacteria and viruses for you to have a successful disinfecting exercise. If you are looking for a full-proof method of disinfecting floors, herein is the best way to disinfect floors using the Dreame robot vacuums and easy to find house cleaning products. The Difference Between Cleaning and Disinfecting Most people assume that there is no difference between cleaning surfaces and disinfecting. There is a thin line between them that makes it difficult for most folks to differentiate. So, what exactly is the difference between the two procedures? Cleaning Cleaning is the act of removing dirt from a surface to keep the environment looking clean and neat. People clean surfaces frequently using soap and water, and it is a prerequisite to disinfecting the floor with antibacterial cleaning products. This process is relatively fast since you aim to remove soil, debris, and stains from the floor. You can scrub or mop the surface depending on the amount of dirt you are cleaning. Disinfecting Unlike cleaning, disinfectant requires you to use chemicals such as bleach to clean the surface. These chemicals remove germs, bacteria, and viruses that spread diseases. In this process, you have to allow the disinfectant to set on the surface for a specified period before wiping it off. This dwelling time allows the disinfectant to kill the pathogens. Tips for Disinfecting Floors Disinfectants differ from cleaning detergents in the chemical composition, making them harsh. Therefore, you need to use pro tips when handling antibacterial cleaning products to avoid damaging your floor and skin. Here are some of the pro tips you can incorporate into your disinfecting routine to achieve stellar results. Always cover up using protective gear while preparing and using a disinfectant. Ensure that your floor is free of soil and general dirt before applying antibacterial cleaning products. Additionally, allow the floor to dry before proceeding to the next step. For the best results, use an antibacterial floor cleaner that the Environmental Protection Agency recommends for your floor type. Keep the disinfectant on the floor for the specified time so that it removes the pathogens you want to eliminate. Read the instructions provided on the packaging. These will help you learn how to handle the solution and how and where to store it after disinfecting the surfaces. Seal the containers well and store them away from children. And once you deplete your solution, discard the container appropriately. Use a spray applicator, antibacterial cleaning cloth, or auto-scrubbers to apply the solution on the floor. Now that you know what to do before and while cleaning, we can learn how to disinfect the floor using the Dreame robot vacuum. The Right Way to Use Antibacterial Floor Cleaner with Dreame Robot Vacuum When you want to disinfect the floor with Dreame robot vacuum, you have to incorporate a disinfectant that will help achieve top-notch hygiene standards. Antibacterial floor cleaners are a bit harsh, especially acidic ones, thanks to the chemical formula manufacturers use in their production. Thus, you have to find a friendly way to use them not to damage your cleaning robot. You are not recommended to add anything other than water into the vacuum's tank. The Dreame robot vacuum's manufacturer designed the tank to accommodate a neutral solution like water. The acidic antibacterial cleaners will erode the tank from inside, eventually creating holes that will leak water into the mortar. Once water gets to the machine, it is game over for you. The water will ruin your robot vacuum, creating the need to get a new one. And if you think using detergents and soap in the tank is equally fine, you are in for a rude shock. Considering that the pipes have a design that accommodates only water, adding other cleaning agents into the tank will cause the pipes to clog. Consequently, the clogged pores will reduce the machine's shelf life significantly. Instead of adding solutions into the tank, you can soak the antibacterial cleaning cloth in the disinfectant, then attach it to the robot cleaner and disinfect the house. As the mop spreads the disinfectant, the bot dispenses water to cover 200m² surface area. You can do the same with cleaning solutions when you want to clean the floors. Remember to dilute the solution to avoid ruining your Dreame robot vacuum. You can also apply the solution to the floor using a spray bottle and let it sit for some minutes before you command your robot to clean the surface. Wrap Up The best way to disinfect floors is to begin with cleaning the surface. Remove all the dirt and ensure that the floor is spotlessly clean. Allow the floor to dry before you begin disinfecting it using the floor type's right cleaner. A majority of the disinfectants come as concentrated solutions, so read the instructions to learn how to dilute them before using them on your floor. And while you are at it, remember to protect your hands and face from the harsh chemicals using protective kits. Allow the antibacterial cleaning agent to dwell on the floor for some time so that it can kill the disease-causing pathogens. Failure to do so will result in wasted efforts, and you will have wasted resources too.
Dreame T20 New Features

Dreame T20 New Features

Dreame recently release a new product --- T20, which boasts the same industry-leading suction power as the Dreame V11, as well as a number of new and improved features.
Dreame D9 New Features

Dreame D9 New Features

The Dreame D9 Robot Vacuum is a high tech cleaning tool that both cleans and mops your home. With its comprehensive function, you don't have to lift a finger to clean.